Vegetation ; Zimbabwe’s rare jewels
This is a one-of-a-kind slender , shrubby perennial
herb that stretches up to 1.5m in I colored in pale yellow on the
inside with a often reddish brown on the outside. Also similar to the Gomphocarcus
stenophyllus from Kenya and Tanzania the tenuifolius is only found in Zimbabwe and
only found in granite kopjes on watershed plateaus.
Portulaca rhodesiana
Colored in bright pink , the herb is yet
another rare gem you can only find in Zimbabwe .Thriving in thin soil on granite
domes, the rhodesiana is only available
from the central watershed of Zimbabwe
from Matobo to Harare on the eastern parts of Juliasdale.
Hymenodictyon kurria
Name(s) : Chiwirowiro , Murovabani ,Mutsvedzabveni, Mutsvedzabveni
English Name Fire Bush
It is a shrub or small tree that stretches up to 6m it is famously known for its bright red show that resembles autumn leaves. In addition , the fire bush is also found throughout tropical Africa (Guinea to Ethiopia) and the southern parts of Zimbabwe making it somewhat of a rare find.