Booking Protection Guarantee
In the unlikely event a Host needs to cancel your booking within 30 days of check-in, we’ll find you a similar or better home, or we’ll refund you.
Check-In Guarantee
If you can’t check into your home and the Host cannot resolve the issue, we’ll find you a similar or better home for the length of your original stay, or we’ll refund you.
Get-What-You-Booked Guarantee
If at any time during your stay you find your listing isn't as advertised—for example, the refrigerator stops working and your Host can’t easily fix it, or it has fewer bedrooms than listed—you'll have three days to report it and we’ll find you a similar or better home, or we’ll refund you.
24-hour Safety Line
If you ever feel unsafe, you’ll get priority access to specially-trained safety agents, day or night.